Services Offered
Comprehensive prenatal care and home birth. This includes prenatal assessment of well-being, laboratory testing, routine screening and counseling, continuity of care during labor and birth and postpartum care for the first 6 weeks.
Newborn care. This includes newborn physical exam (newborn appearance, reflexes and behavior), parenting discussion, choosing a care provider for your baby, family adjustment issues, etc.
Lactation services. Includes breastfeeding assessment and initiation right after the birth, support and follow-up, and appropriate referral in special circumstances.
Women’s healthcare. I offer comprehensive annual visits to current and recurrent clients in my practice. This care includes testing and treatment for vaginal infections, urinary infections, and PAP smears. I also offer family planning counseling and contraceptive prescription. I do not participate in any insurance plan. Fees can be discussed in advance and are expected at time of services rendered. Laboratories bill insurance company directly.