How often are prenatal visits?
I start prenatal care at 12 weeks. From that time visits are done every 4 to 6 weeks until you are 32 weeks. Then visits are done every 2 to 3 weeks until you are 37 weeks. At that point forward, visits are done weekly until you give birth. After the birth I do a phone call 24 hours later, and I do a postpartum visit on days 3 and 7. An additional visit can be made on the second week if needed and then the last visit will be at 6 weeks postpartum.
Where are visits held?
All the prenatal visits are done at my home/office except for one visit at 37 weeks. Postnatal visits are done at your home and the last visit, at 6 weeks postpartum is done at my office.
What happens during prenatal visits?
Prenatal visits are to assess your and your baby’s emotional and physical well-being. This includes blood pressure monitoring, nutrition assessment, fetal growth assessment, fetal heart rate monitoring, position and well-being. We also discuss some of the concerns or questions you may have. There’s always a list of to do’s on each visit, most of them include education on a certain topic. Education is the mainstream of optimal prenatal care. Each visit lasts approximately 45 minutes.
Am I a good candidate for a homebirth?
Choosing to have a homebirth includes different aspects. This is a more in depth conversation that we can have based on the existence, or not, of risk factors and the support you have, especially from your partner. Feel free to book a consultation with me and we can discuss further.
Is home birth covered by insurance?
Many types of insurances cover for a home birth. Some do partially and others totally. It all depends on the plan you have. We bill only once, after the birth. Hamilton billing (hamiltonbilling.com) can help you find out about coverage once you confirm that you want to work with me.
Will I need a doula?
I believe that doulas play a very important role in the labor and birthing process supporting you and your partner physically and emotionally. I strongly encourage all of my first time moms to have a doula for their birth. You can check the Doula section if you want a list of doulas I recommend.
How do I get the Birth Certificate?
After the birth, I will leave a Birth Certificate Paperwork that you would have to fill out within 3 days. Once I pick up the paperwork, I will enter all the information in the system online and you will get the Birth Certificate within 6 weeks, as well as the Social Security Card if you requested it.
Can I use a pool during labor?
Water is a wonderful tool for comfort in labor. It helps you relax and rest when you are running out of energy. You can ultimately give birth in the water if all the right circumstances are given. You can rent the pool from me if you prefer.
Do you offer breastfeeding help?
I am a Certified Lactation Counselor so yes, I can help you initiate breastfeeding right after the birth and do follow-up visits if necessary. If there are any special needs I can also refer you to a Lactation Consultant.
What do you bring to births?
Home births require very little intervention and materials. I carry a Doppler to listen to the baby’s heartbeat, a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope, sterile instruments, a suturing kit and local anesthesia, a baby scale and oils and homeopathic medicines. In anticipation of an emergency, I also carry an oxygen tank and resuscitation equipment, IV fluids, and pharmaceutical medicines.
What happens during an emergency transfer?
Contrary to what many people may believe, many transfers to the hospital occur under non-urgent circumstances. Though urgent situations can also occur, we would have already created a plan of action (during our prenatal visits) to make the transfer quick and seamless. Most of the time, the receiving hospital will be informed of your case and that we are on our way.